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Green Orchard

Our Code Of Conduct


All employees of Inox shall act in accordance with the Conduct Rules. The Code of Conduct determines what employees are to do, and what not to do, while recognizing the rights of employees, the conduct rules to meet the conduct requirements of employees for the fair and faithful discharge of their duties and responsibilities . Our Code of Conduct is an important part of our adherence to high business values. It is approved by the board of directors, and is an important part of daily business life.


Each Inox employee receives a copy of the Code of Conduct. And they are expected to understand and apply it in practice, without exception. All the employees have to maintain true loyalty and devotion to duty towards their work. And to treat those working under your subordinates equally. Not to do any unbecoming act, where there is failure or delay in ensuring that the employee is dutiful towards his position and work, failure or delay in taking appropriate and necessary steps, action can be initiated against him. Habitual, not performing work within the stipulated time limit, will be considered as lack of devotion to duty.


All Personnel shall, apart from acting under the direction of their superior officer, act in the best judgment and best interest of the Company at their discretion. If an employee is found guilty of disobedience, misbehavior, indiscipline, misconduct, gross negligence, dereliction of duty, dishonesty, embezzlement, bribery, outside disclosure of confidential information, unusual absenteeism, or conduct contrary to the Company's code of conduct, then disciplinary action will be taken against him, in which the employee can be taken away from employment by giving notice, or even without notice, and without compensation.

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